Table of dimensions sample contents physicals quantity and symbols, SI units and dimensions. Alphabetical from S-T.


physical quantity (symbol)

SI units


shear modulus ( μ, G ) Pa L −1 M T −2
specific heat capacity ( c ) J kg−1 K−1 L 2 T −2 Θ −1
speed (u, ν, c ) m s −1
L T −1
Stefan-Boltzmann constant ( σ ) W m −2 K−4 M T −3 Θ −4
stress ( σ, τ ) Pa L −1 M T −2
surface tension ( σ, γ ) N m −1 M T −2
temperature ( T ) K Θ
thermal conductivity ( λ ) W m −1 K−1 L M T −3 Θ −1
time ( t ) s T

prep. by :

The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas