Table of dimensions sample contents physicals quantity and symbols, SI units and dimensions. Alphabetical from P-R.


physical quantity (symbol)

SI units


permeability ( μ) H m−1 L M T −2 I −2
permittivity ( ε ) F m−1 L −3 M −1 T 4 I 2
Planck constant ( h ) J s
L 2 M T −1
power ( P ) W L 2 M T −3
poynting vector ( S ) W m −2 M T −3
pressure ( p, P ) Pa L −1 M T −2
radiant intensity ( Ie ) W sr −1 L 2 M T −3
resistance ( R ) Ω L 2 M T −3 I −2

prep. by :

The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas